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Titel des Bildes
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Im Bildbetrachter zeigen
569 - 570 (Hijri)
Münzherr:Herrscher: Giorgi III; Dynastie: Bagratids (Münzherr)
Landesteil / Linie:Region: Georgia
Herstellungsdatum:1174 569 - 570 (394 of the chronikon, Hijri)
Maße:Durchmesser: 23 mm
Gewicht: 4,66 g
Stempelstellung: 1,00 h

  • Langlois, Essai, p. 55, no. 21 (plate IV, no. 1); Lang, Studies, no. 9 (plate II, no. 1); Pachomov, Mon. Gruzii, p. 82, no. 51 (plate VI, no. 107–108 and plate VII, no. 109)

Inventarnummer: 1998-02-020

Inschrift vorne (Transkription):
"sitting king (front view; crossed legs) with a falcon on his raised right arm

to the right of the king in Georgian script: g̅i; below it (to the right): GI (monogram); below: Ḳ / R / K

to the left of the king in georgian script:
T / Ž / D"

Inschrift hinten (Transkription):
"ملك الملوك
كيوركى بن ديمطرى
حسام المسيح"

Datenstand: April 2016
Objekt bei kenom